.. _caveats: Caveats ======= Wagtail's ``Page`` patch ------------------------ ``wagtail-modeltranslation`` patches Wagtail's ``Page`` model with translation fields ``title_xx``, ``slug_xx``, ``seo_title_xx``, ``search_description_xx`` and ``url_path_xx`` where "xx" represents the language code for each translated language. This is done without migrations through :ref:`management_commands-sync_page_translation_fields`. Since ``Page`` model belongs to Wagtail it's within the realm of possibility that one day Wagtail may add a conflicting field to ``Page`` thus interfering with ``wagtail-modeltranslation``. See also :ref:`management_commands-makemigrations_translation` to better understand how migrations are managed with ``wagtail-modeltranslation``. Wagtail's slugurl ----------------- Wagtail's ``slugurl`` tag does not work across languages. To work around this ``wagtail-modeltranslation`` provides a drop-in replacement tag named :ref:`template tags-slugurl_trans` which by default takes the slug parameter in the default language. Replace any usages of Wagtail's ``{% slugurl 'default_lang_slug' %}`` for .. code-block:: django {% load wagtail_modeltranslation %} ... {% slugurl_trans 'default_lang_slug' %}